
Start with the end in mind.

When you are excited about starting a new painting it’s difficult to reign yourself in at times and remember that planning is 90% of the job. But it’s true and that includes what the finished painting, should end up on a wall, will look like.

Before you even start consider what is the overall look you want for it? Landscape or portrait? Do you want to paint right up to the mount if you are using one, or leave space around your painted area?

Have you solved all the problem areas and gathered enough information before you get cracking on the ‘masterpiece’ ? This may seem obvious but I have seen many a picture marred by lack of preparation and a well thinking through process.

Prepare plenty of sketches, select your colours and mix to see if you can get what you want. And if there is a tricky bit to do, have a few goes at it before you get started on the main event.

Trust me, this is all worth it, I know

See the crib sheet PDF 'Getting Started.

Getting started.pdf
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